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Upgrade Help


OnlineNIC Reseller's Template 4.0 System
Upgrade Instructions

I. Steps

  1. Move to folder template4 after extracting the source template4.tar.gz
    Run script upgrade.php through konsole as follows.
    php upgrade.php < old-template3system-path>
    Enter full path of your old template3 system instead of < old-template3system-path >
    eg : php upgrade.php /home/abc/template3
  2. Once the upgrade script is executed successfully, backup of your old template system and database will be stored in backups folder as template3_old.tar.gz and < yourdatabasename.tar.gz > respectively.
  3. Use old login details to enter the system at < old-template3system-path > .
  4. You can change settings for new features through system settings link in browser
  5. If you get error regarding smarty while taking it in the browser, please give full permission to folder templates_c in the path common/Smarty/smarty/ and try

II. System Requirements

Operation system: Linux,
PHP: The version of PHP should be 4.10 or more advanced.
Database: MySQL