Domain name is your identity on the Internet many times it is not available as many people book domains just to tease others or try to make some extra money from you. However your exact company name is not necessarily needed in your domain name. Some thing that resembles or is strongly related to your business is
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Domain names these days have become the most important marketing tool for any business. Your domain name is your internet address but it can be more than just your address URL or web site address. It in itself is a first impression tool, stating what your site is all about. It’s like your business name online. Everybody’s making a big deal out of this - and that is indeed for a good reason. Your domain is almost equivalent to your identity in your online presence. It’s like giving out your name on your first day in school. It will stick all throughout your cyber existence.
Many web entrepreneurs are even hell bent on getting the "perfect" domain name for their business. Many have spent six-figures (even seven) for just one domain, believing that the particular domain will grant them awesome powers of financial success.
But hold your horses ladies and gentlemen. What exactly is the perfect domain name? Or even a good domain name for that matter? Will this domain name conjure some cyber vacuum and lure all traffic to that site? Or will this domain have the power of Midas’ Touch, turn everything to gold and make the owner the richest person alive? I need help here because I think it is quite "unrealistic" for me to spend 5 million dollars on something I can’t even hold or touch.
Nevertheless, the know-ledged people of the web have spoken. I am but a student, a mere interpreter of the modern scribes of cyber philosophies. The tenets say Google rules all and search engines are king. Now I know why.
Here are a few tips I’ve learned while browsing the hundreds (hyperbole) of sites that give out tips on how to register a good domain name.
Visitors easily remember short and catchy domain names such as "travelguide.pk". Not only does this elicit good name recall but it also tells the visitor what the site is about. People will actually remember and type that into their browser for next time. Make sure to pick a domain that you can easily relay over the phone or can be easily remembered when someone hears it over the radio phone or can be easily remembered when someone hears it over the radio.
Use keywords in your domain that describe your business. Instead of your exact brand name or company's name, you could also use keywords for your domain name. This could land you better search engine results. A domain "traveldubai.com" would fare better in search engines than "alwahid.com".
Do not register domains that could get you into legal/copyright trouble. Most companies nowadays are sensitive and keen in protecting their name brands and would pursue legal action to people who try to take over their names. There are courts that will actually snatch the domain from you and give it to the legal trademark holder. Even if the company is not all that savvy at this point why do you want to have that ugly competitors name?. Some times others people's name of similar names might give you a little quick gain but eventually you will remain stuked with some unknown alien name that has no personal touch with your own self. So think of a true good name.
TIP # 4 : Be particular with spelling.
Domain names come without spaces so pay attention to the resulting "shape" of your domain name. Athletes Exchange can look like athletesexchange.com which can raise the eyebrows of your visitors and could be detrimental to your business. Try using short names or even adding a dash (-) or some thing like (my) eg. mycompany.com is also a good idea.
TIP # 5 : Register multiple versions of your domain.
Companies usually register different domain variations related to your company name. Most register many domain extensions (.com, .net, .org, ae, .com.ae) possible to protect them from cyber squatting.
The domain name extension you register makes a statement to your visitors about where you are and who you are aiming to attract. For example, .com.ae tells people you are catering to the UAE market. and .co.uk means you are for UK market but .com .org .info are worldwide so try those first.
A country coded top level domain has its advantages over its .com contemporaries. Google, for example, indexes better sites with ccTLDs e.g. .ae domain will be ranked much higher fr a sbject if searched in UAE. Registering good ccTLD domain names is a smart way in achieving search engine success.
And since it is highly probable that the domain name you want to register in .com is already taken, you’re next best bet would be registering to the ccTLD of your target market where there are still a lot of available domains.
How to book a
In computer networking, a domain name is a name given to a collection of network devices that belong to a domain which is managed according to some common property of the members or within a common administrative boundary. In particular, the term is used to describe the regions of administrative authority within the Domain name system used for the Internet (cf. DNS zone).
Domain names are used in a variety of contexts for identification, reference, and access to Internet resources. They can appear as components of Web sites' Uniform Resource Locators (URL, 'Web-address'), e.g. www.wikipedia.org, electronic mail (e-mail) addresses after the customary '@' separator from the user's name, or as any other part of a syntax that describes an access method to a device or service in an IP network.
Domain names are created out of a naming space and methodology that was first defined by Paul Mockapetris in IETF publication RFC 882 and RFC 883 (1983) and used in the first expansion of the ARPANET, a predecessor of today's Internet. The model prescribed a tree-like structure of named nodes starting from an unnamed root node (cf. DNS root zone) that was only designated by a full stop (period, dot, "."). The complete domain name of each node is the string of names of nodes leading to the root node, each separated by a dot. The sequence is written from left to right with increasing order of scope, e.g., node-d.node-c.node-b.node-a. When the full name path of a node is specified, the domain name is said to be fully-qualified (cf. Fully qualified domain name). This condition is often, particularly in the technical aspects of DNS), indicated explicitly by appending a dot at the end of the name (to indicate the root domain).
The DNS methodology confers a unique name to every resource or service participating in the domain name system. This name is referred to as the domain name of a device or Internet host. However, not all nodes in the tree system denote a specific device, rather they are parent labels of an entire collection of subordinate nodes. Such nodes are the domains of the Internet. They represent the spaces of autonomy that are delegated by a group of service providers, called domain name registrars.
These registrars are authorized and accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organization charged with overseeing the name and number systems of the Internet. In addition to IANA, each top-level domain (TLD) is maintained and serviced technically by a sponsoring organization, the TLD Registry. The registry is responsible for maintaining the database of names registered within the TLDs they administer. The registry receives registration information from each domain name registrar authorized to assign names in the corresponding TLD and publishes the information using a special service, the whois protocol.
In this context a domain name is sometimes referred to as a 'product' sold by domain name registrars. However, the rules of assignment specify that no legal ownership is conferred with such transactions, only the right of exclusive use and the authority to the name space. Once assigned, a domain name becomes part of the pool of registered domain names and is no longer available for use by anyone else. Colloquially, marketers incorrectly refer to domain names as "web addresses", however, a web address is actually a fully specified World-Wide Web resource locator, such as http://www.example.com, actually pointing to a web site.
New domain names are usually registered through the registrar for annual terms with a minimum of one year. The maximum length of prepaid registration is often 10 years, but varies depending on the policies of the sponsoring registry of the top-level domain under which registration is sought. Registration periods may be extended, usually at any time, until the end of a grace period after the registration expiration date.
Domain names may be transferred between parties or advertised for 'sale'. This is often called the "domain name aftermarket" (see below). After a domain name registration and the grace period expire, the domain name is either returned to the pool of available names, or receives special treatment by the registrars and could possibly end up in the 'aftermarket'.
Written by Jamal Panhwar Copy of this article in any form is prohibited
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