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To make your web site really work for you and bring customers and visitors, it has to get good web traffic, WEBTRAFFIC means simply that a lot of people are coming to your web site. How would you know how many people are coming to you? You can get this information by checking your web stats. The website stats are 95% of the times already installed and provided by your hosting service. For some services you need to login to your control panel and for some there is a url give to check stats that is http://www.yourcompanydomain.com/stats. Once you see the stats you can quickly observe how many visitors your web site is getting, Where this trafic comes from, which keywords are used to get to your web site and even how many people stay long enough to browse the website.
One of the most important interest to most webmasters is the keywords used by visitors who find your site through the search engines. In the past few years a new science called "Search Engine Optimization" (SEO) has emerged. This new science basically specializes in making sure your web site gets a strong flow of business from people who look for your niche of goods and services using Google, Yahoo or one of the other big search engines.
The key to great traffic from a search engine is your "search engine ranking". That all sounds very complicated but it isn't. When you search for something on the Internet, Google, Yahoo or msn (or your favorite search engine) comes back with lots of web sites for you to consider. The ones it comes back with first are called the first page. And usually there are dozens of pages of web sites that the search engine shows you.
Well, experts tell us that the majority of web shoppers use a web site shown on that first page of links that the search engine returns. So if your web site is among that first one or two pages, you have a good search engine ranking and you will see more customers than a business that is way down on page 54 where customers never go. One of the primary ways to get on that first page is by using good SEO.
SEO is the science of working with search engines so your web site gets a good ranking. SEO is also a fairly complicated science because it involves how your web site is programmed, the kind of text you have on each page and a good SEO expert has specialized tools and software to monitor your SEO on a daily basis to see how you are doing.
So how do we go about improving our web site's SEO? If you go talk to your web programmers, they will be aware of the terms we learned here today but they may not be equipped to do a professional job of improving your SEO. That is why most businesses that do well at improving SEO for their web sites do so using a professional outsourcing company that specializes in this kind of thing. There are good reasons for you to outsource this function as well.
A SEO company will have those specialized tools and software resources to do the job right. They understand how search engines work and they can prepare specific suggestions to your web team to improve your search engine ranking. And they can employ internet traffic specialists who have that expertise to take your web site from where it is and turn it into a successful money maker for you.
By learning the terminology and what SEO is as we have started to talk about today, you are on your way to finding a good SEO contractor who can help your web site find success and get lots of profitable traffic. Use good common sense in finding a SEO company and check references and employ someone who can really do the job. It will cost you a bit to get the best expertise there is to improve your SEO. But when you see the flood of business and sales that come from the effort, you will know you made a wise investment in using them.
You will also want to make sure the articles you purchase from private label sites or ghostwriter services are optimized for your site's keywords as well. If you purchase a set of private label articles, for example, on the subject of weight loss it will be a good idea to re-write them using your own site's keywords.
If, on the other hand, you are outsourcing custom articles to a ghostwriter you can specify the articles be "SEO" ready for your chosen keywords upon delivery. This will ensure your articles will rank well in the search engines. These are just a few ways that using good SEO will create traffic to your website.
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