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You have built a web site you had it it built and now its online that great now what. Its like you have got your office made up and ready for business but how will the world know it exists? In physical world placing a name sign and making advertisements or telling people may do the job but these thing do noting for your web site you need to promote your site. Here are some tips to promote your web site and as usual these steps can also be outsourced to us please contact us for a quote
If your new website has not been properly optimized for the search engines,
then this is a necessary first step you must take. Ensure that your new site has
integrated the appropriate keywords into all the fundamental areas of the site.
Without this critical step of optimizing your site, in many cases no level of
promotíon will help you get those search rankings.
Note: Extreme numbers of inbound links can sometimes cause an un-optimized site to rank, but an optimized website will seriously reduce the number of links needed, and its associated cost. This varies from industry to industry, but is true as a general rule.
Ideally the optimization of your site occurred during the planning and building stages, but if it did not be sure to get this completed as soon as possible.
Press Releases
The first thing you should do when your site goes live is issue a press
release. Be sure to include a link back to your website, preferably with your
target phrase hyperlinked as well. Submit this press release to an aggregator
such as PRWeb. This will help get the word out that your site is live, draw some
attention from the public, and also get you that first valuable link to your
Search Engine Submission
These days search engines will find your site on their own, and submitting
to them is not necessary. If you feel you must submit your site to the engines,
submit it only once and shortly after the site goes live.
In order to help the search engines fully spider your new site, the best thing you can do in terms of submissions, is to create and submit an XML sitemap. Submit this sitemap to your Google Webmaster Tools account, and also be sure to include a call to it within your robots.txt file by adding the following line including a complete path to your sitemap:
Sitemap: http://www.domain.com/sitemap.xml
There are many tools out there to help you build your xml sitemap. Google has placed a líst of some of these tools on their "Third Party Programs" page.
Directory Submission
Back in August I wrote about using Directory Submission to help build links.
The general gist of it is to be sure that there is a high level of relevance in
the directories you submit your site to, especially if it is a paid directory.
Currently DMOZ still has a high level of value as it is seen as a strong
authority at Google. Make the attempt to have your site listed here in the most
relevant category possible.
Link Building
There are a number of ways you can work to grow your back links. In July I
wrote about 13 ways to help build links. Links are one of those strategic tools
that won't ever be a bad investment. Today they play a significant role in
search rankings for most industries, especially in Google. While the future will
almost undoubtedly still see search value in links, even if that value declines,
or disappears entirely, quality links can still help drive traffic as well, and
a strong base of inbound links can deliver you customers well into the future.
Explore the different ways to build links to your site. A steady progressive rise in inbound links will help Google look positively in your direction. Do not be afraid of reciprocal links either. If you are trading with highly relevant websites to your industry, then you should have nothing to be afraid of.
Social Media
Promotíon largely consists of building links and becoming recognized by the
search engines, but in order to help you build those links, getting your name
and brand out there can really do wonders. By increasing awareness of your site
and product, the public will often help create the buzz you need, and often,
this can result in fresh links to your website.
To help get your site in the eyes of as many people as possible, take a look into Social Media and consider creating profiles on some of the popular platforms. This can include creating a YouTube account and uploading instructional, informational, or interesting product videos. You can set up a Facebook page, and work to build a community around your product. Create a profile page on Squidoo, MySpace, and Flickr, amongst many others.
These pages often act as backlinks to your site, and also help spread awareness. Be sure to keep your social endeavors updated regularly or any viewership you have will dwindle as people lose interest. If you are able to build a strong following, this can result in many individuals linking to your site and spreading the word, resulting in long term benefits for you and your site.
Your use of social media does not have to be exactly about your company. For instance, let's say you sell cars. Your use of the social platform, while it may note your business, can focus on other car info including trivia, news, photos, etc. The key is to keep it relevant, not identical - you are not looking to create a mirror of your site.
Article Writing
Write articles about the subject of your website and submit them to various
services such as EzineArticles. Consider also writing for your blog to help grow
your site content. By writing and distributing relevant articles you can create
a nice cushion of relevant incoming links. By writing articles that closely
match the topic of your site, and including a link back to relevant content
within your site, you can help out not only with search engine rankings, but by
creating an extra traffic stream for your site.
Pay Per Click
While Pay Per Click (PPC) will not give you many long standing benefits, it
can help you to start making sales immediately which in turn can give you the
funds needed to promote your site via other means. If you need that immediate
traffic, this is one way to get it, but at a cost, and as soon as you stop
paying, your traffic stops, so it is far from a reliable long term means. In
some industries however, it can pay off, so it is definitely worth considering.
In general, reference your website everywhere possible. Get links from every
relevant source you can think of, issue a press release, and get your site
lísted in the key directories for your industry. The more eyes you can put your
URL in front of and the more relevant sites you can get to link back to yours,
the sooner you will start to see progress in the search engines.
For many industries it can literally take years to get those coveted first page results - in some industries it may be near impossible, but if you want a chance, you need to start promoting that new site of yours immediately
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